Shirley Heinz Land Trust Partnership Luncheon

Shirley Heinze Land Trust will host a Partnership Luncheon for its conservation partners and the general public on Friday, November 1st, at The Market, located at 2405 US Hwy 30 in Valparaiso.
Kristopher Krouse, Executive Director of Shirley Heinze Land Trust, will speak about the organization’s mission to protect land in northwestern Indiana, and will share progress on a number of projects, including the recent state dedication of Lydick Bog Nature Preserve in St. Joseph County and public access there; connecting land and increasing recreational access within the Little Calumet River Corridor; and the latest project, a master plan for enhancements at Meadowbrook Conservation Center in Valparaiso, which is home to the organization’s headquarters.
Also on the agenda is the presentation of this year’s organizational category of the “Bringing Nature Home” Awards. These annual awards recognize local landscaping projects that incorporate native plants. These plants provide a critical source of food, shelter and migration ‘waystations’ for insects, birds and other wildlife, and are an important part of the natural ecosystems of the region. The Valparaiso Public Library will be recognized for their parking lot bioswale planting. For more information about the award program, visit the web page at
Registration for luncheon guests begins at 11:30 a.m. (CENTRAL), and the program starts at noon. Tickets and table sponsorships may be purchased by going to, or by contacting Bonnie Hawksworth at 219-242-8558 or RSVPs are requested no later than Wednesday, October 30.
Since 1981, Shirley Heinze Land Trust has protected, restored and maintained northwestern Indiana’s rich and significant natural communities, including tallgrass prairie, high dune, oak savanna, boreal flatwoods, dune-and-swale, woodlands, marshes, swamps, ponds, fens, bogs, and riparian habitat. More than 2,400 acres in Lake, Porter, LaPorte, and St. Joseph Counties have been preserved for the public’s benefit. Shirley Heinze nature preserves feature significant scenic and ecological value, and most are open to the public for hiking and enjoying nature. Six of its properties have been dedicated to the people of Indiana as state nature preserves. The organization also works to educate people of all ages to appreciate the importance of land conservation, and to experience the natural wonders of this unique region.
For more information on the work and programs of Shirley Heinze Land Trust, call 219-242-8558, or visit and