Michigan City Community Job Fair returns for its fifth year

The City of Michigan City, Economic Development Corporation Michigan City, Michigan City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest Indiana Workforce Board, WorkOne, and the Blue Chip Casino are continuing their partnership to host the 5th Annual Michigan City Community Job Fair which will be held on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at Blue Chip Casino.
Each year the number of participating exhibitors continues to increase. Last year’s largest turnout of 81 employers and organizations participated, with employers promoting an estimated 400 open positions to jobseekers. Universities, training providers, community groups, and skilled trade organizations were also on hand to provide information on career paths available.
The job fair will take place in the Stardust Room at the Blue Chip Casino, 777 Blue Chip Drive in Michigan City, from 1:00 pm–4:00 pm. The event is open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring multiple copies of their resume, dress in business attire, and be ready for on-site interviews. WorkOne will be hosting a Job Fair Prep Workshop at WorkOne Michigan City from 1:00-3:00pm on Wednesday, March 25th, Wednesday, April 1st, Thursday, April 2nd, and Wednesday, April 8th for anyone needing assistance to prepare for the event. Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to register, but it is not required to attend. For more information or workshop registration, contact Bryann at WorkOne at 219-933-8332 ext. 1431 or email bgibson@gotoworkonenw.com.
For updates on the event and a listing of employers registered to attend, follow the event on Facebook: 5th Annual Michigan City Community Job Fair.
Employers and other organizations interested in having a booth at the event should contact the Michigan City Chamber of Commerce at 219-874-6221 or info@mcachamber.com.