Oak Partners’ celebrated Oaktoberfest returns for tenth year, brings food, friendship, and fun to Bulldog Park

Life isn’t just about numbers. As important as it may be to ensure a sound financial future for ourselves and our families, sometimes it’s equally as important to take the time to relax and feed our souls with good food, music, and great friends. The experienced team at Oak Partners understands that philosophy better than most.
For over 25 years, the wealth professionals at Oak Partners, Inc. have provided structured, diversified plans to ensure prudent wealth and retirement planning to residents across the Region. But they also know how to have a good time, hosting numerous social events throughout the year, with their Oaktoberfest celebration - currently in its tenth year - being among the most popular.
Crystal DeHaven, Director of Client Experience for Oak Partners, said that the event was not held last year, but returned for 2020.
“We took last year off, but decided it was time to bring it back,” DeHaven said. “We sent out a survey to gauge people’s comfort level, and we found that most people are okay with events, as long as they’re outside. We also decided to move the event here to Bulldog Park, to be able to accommodate more people, while also ensuring enough room.
“We’ve held some ice skating events here in the past but this is our first year bringing our Oaktoberfest to the Park and it’s working out really well.”
DeHaven describes the event as a great opportunity to reconnect with clients, many of whom they haven’t been able to visit during this difficult year.
“We’re very excited to host this event and to welcome all our clients here,” said DeHaven. “We’re really glad to see everyone again.”
Open to clients only, with no cost to attend, the annual event was a smash hit, featuring dinner provided by Mission Barbecue and entertainment by local band Mr. Funnyman. A bar was also available, featuring several local brews as well as mixed drinks.
“There’s no business discussed, no selling, no networking. It’s just a night to relax and enjoy the company and friendship we share with our clients,” said DeHaven.
“It’s not just about markets and numbers and such,” said Partner and Wealth Advisor Mario Ruiz. “Sometimes, people just want to hang out and have a good time, they just want to enjoy the season.”
Bridget Shoemaker, Wealth Advisor and Partner with Oak Partners agreed.
“We love this event! It just seems like it keeps getting bigger every year, it’s just a great chance for our clients to come out, have some delicious food, hang out with us and get to know us better.”
Jason Urbaniak, Partner and Wealth Advisor with Oak Partners, described the event as one of the most popular, not only among clients, but also partners.
“On a typical year, we host 40 to 50 events, but this is one of our favorites,” Urbaniak said.
For more information about Oak Partners, visit them online at https://www.oakpartners.com/
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