More on Public Enemies

Well, it's an interesting week....and it's only Tuesday.
On Sunday while watching the Indianapolis Colts game we were surprised by commercial for the "Public Enemies" DVD being released Dec. 8th, a week from today.
Now the commercial wasn't necessarily surprising, but an image of me and one of my lines starting the TV spot was. In fact, I thought I heard myself, but by the time I looked at the TV I was gone. After waiting, and waiting for a repeat, a second PE commercial came on. This time I was no where to be found.
But, a few friends saw the first one and that's all that counts. And honestly, after having seen the film three times, the promo commercials and trailers playing from March through the movie opening on July 1, I really am kind of tired of seeing and hearing myself. Many won't believe it, but it's true.
It's still an experience I will always be grateful for, and memories will remain with me forever.
I shared those experiences in a book, which is no longer in print. "Public Enemies Confidential: Johnny Depp, Michael Mann and Me" chronicled my five days of filmdom working on PE, in three states -- Columbus, Wisconsin, Crown Point, Indiana, and Chicago.
Sometime this week I hope to make arrangements to post the book, with photos from retired Chicago Tribune Photographer Robert Hollingsworth Jr., somewhere online. My friend Bob Hollingsworth played Hoover Reporter #1 in the movie.
Not that it's a literary masterpiece because it isn't, but what it does do is give a view of film-making from this rookie actor's perspective. Stay tuned.