Community Healthcare System Hospitals Recipients of Lake Area United Way Community Excellence Award

Community Healthcare System was recently presented with a Community Excellence award from Lake Area United Way for the hospital system’s outstanding support in the 2015-2016 annual community campaign.
The Community Excellence Award is presented to a corporate partner that embodies the overall spirit of living united through contributions of time, leadership and resources that coincide with United Way’s work in the priority areas of education, income and health.
“Community Healthcare System has been such a monumental partner to Lake Area United Way, participating in many events and contributing more than $1 million dollars in the last decade through their employee giving, corporate and foundation gifts,” said Brandi Adams, relationship manager, Lake Area United Way. “COMHS truly embraces and exhibits what it means to LIVE UNITED in our community!”
The hospitals of Community Healthcare System – Community Hospital, Munster, St. Catherine Hospital, East Chicago and St. Mary Medical Center, Hobart - are proud to be key contributors to United Way and the good work its programs and initiatives provide to residents throughout Northwest Indiana, said Community Healthcare System’s Vice President of Human Resources Tony Ferracane.
“This award represents a prime example of what we can accomplish when we all work together toward positive change in our community,” he said.