
2015 United Way of La Porte County Golf Outing Raises Over $55,000 for Our Community

By: United Way of La Porte County Last Updated: August 20, 2015

United-Way-LPC-Golf-Outing-2015Thanks to our major sponsor Tonn and Blank Construction, United Way raised over $55,000 in one day during the 11th Annual Golf Outing held on August 17, 2015 at the beautiful Pottawattamie Country Club in Michigan City, IN. Additional sponsors included Sauers Automotive Group, Blue Chip Casino, JLM Productions, NIPSCO, and Stanz Food Service. Additionally, United Beverage sponsored a "Military Honor Team" pictured above.

Other "par sponsors" and teams included: Absolute Apparel, Bit Of Swiss, Cintas, Dwyer Instruments, Fiberbond, Gurley Leep, Hearthside Foods, Horizon Bank, Indiana Beverage, Indiana Wholesale, IU Health, Michigan City Economic Development, Lewis Bakeries, Mikropor, Midwest Foods, NITCO, Refax, Republic National, ServPro, Southern Wine and Spirits, Swanson Center, Trane, and US Foods. Additional "hole sponsors" included Beaver Street Fisheries, One Source Financial, Applegate, Top Dog, Franciscan Alliance, KICK Energy Drink, and WIMS Radio.

Thank you to everyone who came out, played, volunteered, and supported our community through this fun event!

See you at our "Secret Agent" gala event on November 6th, 2015!