New Officers, Committee Chairs and Members Elected To Lake Area United Way’s 2015 Board of Trustees

New officers, committee chairs and members were elected to Lake Area United Way’s 2015 volunteer Board of Trustees at its Annual Meeting held on February 25th.
Serving as 2015 Chair of Lake Area United Way’s Board of Trustees will be Aaron McDermott, President, Latitude Commercial Real Estate. He succeeds Curtis Whittaker, CPA & President of Whittaker & Co., following his one-year term.
“It’s truly an honor to serve as the Board Chair for Lake Area United Way in 2015. I’m humbled to join the long line of community leaders that have led this great organization. My hope is to continue encouraging local residents to ‘Live United’ by giving, advocating and volunteering and to make our community the best place to live, work and to raise our families,” said McDermott.
In addition to McDermott, a slate of new LAUW Board officers and Committee Chairs was elected: Vice Chair – John Kennedy, Director, Business Development, American Structurepoint, Inc. Finance Committee Chair – Shawn Wagoner, 1st Vice President and Regional Sales Manager, First Merchants Bank Secretary & Marketing/Communications Committee Chair– Matt Saltanovitz – Director of Economic Development, NWI Forum Allocations Committee Chair – Dave Koester, Retired, BMW Constructors Campaign Chair – Shelice Tolbert – Partner, Tolbert & Tolbert
To fill retiring and vacant posts, the following new Board members were also elected to three year terms: Richard Cioni, Market President, NWI, BMO Harris Bank Chris White, Publisher, The Times Media Co. Sherri Ziller, Chief Operating Officer, NWI Regional Development Authority
The following retiring Board volunteers were also recognized for their community service: Dr. Tina Ebenger, Director, Social Sciences, Calumet College of St. Joseph Vance Kenney, President, Advance Construction Services Kay Nelson, Director of Environmental Affairs, NWI Forum Randy Palmateer, Business Manager, NWI Building & Construction Trades Council Rosa Maria Rodriguez, Financial Secretary, USW Local 1010 Curtis Whittaker, President, Whittaker & Company
LAUW’s bylaws stipulate Trustees can serve a maximum of two consecutive three year terms and then rotate off the Board.