
Phone Call Connects Local Residents to Vital Services Via United Way Call Center

By: United Way of La Porte County Last Updated: January 31, 2014

211Community members seeking help with utilities, housing, transportation, food and other basic needs can find answers by making a phone call. Dialing 211 will put them in touch with trained specialists who can refer them to social service resources in our area.

United Way of LaPorte County has provided the 211 service to local residents since 2010, with financial support from the Duneland Health Council and Unity Foundation. The 211 Call Center is a free service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week according to Kris Pate, United Way executive director.

Too many of our La Porte County residents are in need of essential human services and don’t know where to get help,” Pate said. “We know this is a tremendous benefit for our growing population of low-income residents and we’re grateful to Duneland Health and Unity for their support.

Starting this month, United Way of LaPorte County is managing 211 services through a contract with United Way of Allen County’s Northeast Indiana Call Center, a centralized United Way hub that provides 211 referrals for nearly 20 counties in Indiana.

The 211 Call Center is promoting two free services available through United Way to help low-income people: the FamilyWize Free Prescription Discount Cards and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Last year, more than 7,000 people used the FamilyWize cards to save nearly $542,000 in prescription costs. VITA provides free tax preparation assistance to La Porte County taxpayers who have adjusted annual incomes of $51,000 or less. VITA is offered in collaboration with the Michigan City Public Library, the Swanson Center and Purdue University North Central.

For more information, make a toll-free call to 211 or 877-502-0700. Trained specialists are available to provide Spanish language services.