
United Way of LaPorte County Recognizes Local Legislators for Advancing Early Care and Education

By: United Way of La Porte County Last Updated: May 22, 2013

united-way-laporte-countyLocal children will have access to safer child care thanks to the efforts of members of the Indiana General Assembly.

United Way of LaPorte County recognizes Rep. Tom Dermody, Rep. Scott Pelath, Rep. Ryan Dvorak, Sen. Jim Arnold, Sen. Karen Tallian and Sen. Ed Charbonneau for supporting efforts to improve quality care for children.

Four important early education initiatives were enacted this session and will go into effect in July. These include:


Kris Pate, United Way of LaPorte County executive director, said, “We’re grateful to have the support of our legislators to improve early childhood care and education in Indiana,” Pate said. “We are striving to provide all families with access to quality, affordable child care and prepare all children to enter school ready to learn.”