Short-term therapy works: Patient success stories 2024 (2nd edition)

At Life Care Centers of America, we have the privilege of seeing hundreds of patients regain their strength and independence through our short-term therapy services every year.
And that shouldn't come as a surprise, considering the many talented therapists we have at our facilities nationwide –– and the exceptional determination of our patients!
But we always love to highlight a few of these people to inspire our teams as well as the people of our communities who may need a little inspiration and encouragement.
Below are just a few of the short-term therapy success stories we've had this year, showing once again that Champions both work and recover at Life Care!

Gregory Doyle at Life Care Center of Evergreen
Greg was admitted to Life Care Center of Evergreen after a fall at home. While at Poudre Valley Hospital he was diagnosed with acute respiratory failure and septic shock, likely from pneumonia.
When Greg arrived at the facility, he struggled with balance and endurance and was unable to complete activities of daily living on his own. He required help with dressing and bathing and could walk only six to eight feet.
Greg had physical, occupational and speech therapies five times a week to improve his strength, balance, activity tolerance, safety awareness and higher-level problem solving.
Greg was always eager to participate, and he developed great relationships with the therapists, staff members and other residents. Greg and his family expected that he would need long-term care and that he would stay at Life Care Center of Evergreen after therapy.
However, Greg made great progress in his short-term therapy program, and he regained his ability to walk with a front-wheeled walker and complete his activities of daily living. After less than a month of treatment, Greg was discharged home!
Congratulations, Greg! We wish you the best of luck at home!
"I think the most important attributes in a facility like this are expertise and patience and this crew demonstrated a boat load of both...This is a classy place." – Gregory Doyle
For more information regarding short-term therapy services at Life Care Center of Evergreen, please contact Alexandra Meyer at 303-674-4500 or
Carol Herb at Life Care Center of Elyria
Carol suffered a fall resulting in a fractured femur. She was admitted to Life Care Center of Elyria after her hospital stay for skilled comprehensive rehabilitation, as her goal was to return home as safely and independently as possible.
When Carol arrived at Life Care Center of Elyria, she required assistance with self-care tasks and functional movement and was unable to stand. For transferring out of bed, she required a hoyer lift.
Physical, occupational and speech therapists evaluated Carol and created a comprehensive, patient-centered treatment plan for her. She participated in her therapy program six times a week, with a focus on regaining her functional skills so that she could live independently.
Carol completed her rehabilitation program with great success. At the time of her discharge, she was walking without assistance and no longer needed help with transfers. She is now walking over 200 feet independently!
When asked about her overall impression of Life Care Center of Elyria, Carol states, "I have been to several different facilities and this one is by far the best! I am telling you, the therapy staff here is great!"
Congratulations to Carol for her success during her rehabilitation program at Life Care Center of Elyria!
“The therapists here are great! They work very hard and are dedicated. When I started here, I couldn't do anything. Now, I am going home walking!" –– Carol
For more information regarding skilled therapy at Life Care Center of Elyria, call 440-365-5200.

Eugene Sims at Life Care Center of Charleston
Mr. Sims came to Life Care Center of Charleston following a hospital stay for acute respiratory failure. He was unable to return home after hospitalization as he was not able to function independently.
At the time of his therapy evaluations, Mr. Sims was unable to walk and needed help with bed transfers and activities of daily living. He was also on a pureed diet.
Throughout his stay, he had several medical setbacks and was faced with the possibility of becoming a long-term care resident.
Five times a week, Eugene received physical and occupational therapy to improve his functional mobility. He received speech therapy four times a week for oropharyngeal dysphagia.
Mr. Sims worked extremely hard every day and made exceptional progress in his therapy program.
At the time of his discharge, Mr. Sims needed minimal assistance with mobility, walking up to 100 feet with a walker. His diet had transitioned to easy-to-chew foods, and he was able to perform all his activities of daily living.
We are proud of Mr. Sims and thrilled that he was able to return home.
"My stay was good. I love my therapists. They really got me going." – Eugene Sims
For more information about short-term therapy services at Life Care Center Center of Charleston, call 843-764-3500.