
Valpo Parks Foundation Welcomes New Board Members

By: Valpo Parks Foundation Last Updated: November 18, 2024

The Valpo Parks Foundation is excited to announce the addition of four new  members to its Board of Directors, effective January 2025.  

“We are thrilled to welcome Jodi, Melanie, Gabrielle, and Jason to the Valpo Parks Foundation  Board of Directors,” said Tim VerSchure, Valpo Parks Foundation President. “Their dedication,  experience, and passion for our community will be invaluable as we continue to work towards  our goals.” 

The Valpo Parks Foundation would also like to thank departing board members Rob Behrend,  Christy Graf, Cathy Brown and Jim Cunningham for their outstanding service and support  throughout their board terms.  

The Valpo Parks Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, exists to support the Valpo  Parks Department. The Foundation often serves as a catalyst to bring projects to fruition,  capturing the spirit and character of residents working side-by-side to make our community even  stronger.