
Chicken Sale Fundraiser for Lupus Foundation of America

A home-cooked meal – without any work! Instead of cooking this Memorial Day weekend, join the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA), Indiana Chapter,lupus as they again host the Nelson’s Portapit Chicken Sale Fundraiser. The fundraiser is on Saturday, May 29, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the Kmart at 2801 Calumet Avenue in Valparaiso.

Buy for your family or, better yet, stock up for a weekend get-together. A delicious half-chicken is available for only $6.00, with pit-tatoes available for $3.00. Chicken sales will support the Lupus Foundation of America, Indiana Chapter, in their work to provide services, help and hope to those affected by lupus.

Approximately 1.5 million Americans have a form of lupus. Based on 2006 census information, it is estimated that 34,187 of Indiana’s residents have lupus; including 2,671 residents in Lake County, 865 residents in Porter County and 597 residents in LaPorte County.

The Lupus Foundation of America is the nation's leading non-profit voluntary health organization dedicated to finding the causes and cure for lupus. Research, education, and patient services are at the heart of LFA's programs.

The Chapter office is located at 2642 Eleanor Street in Portage with office hours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information about support groups and other activities provided by the LFA, Indiana Chapter, please call 800-948-8806 or visit