Washington Township Elementary News of the Week

Washington Township Elementary is proud to announce the Students of the Week for 9-20-10
1st Grade:
Tyler Pedroza, Alonzo Paul Jr., Emily, Bellamy & Ella Sotak IC;
Robert Vinzant 1H;
Olivia Martinez IP;
2nd Grade:
Melissa Krawczyk 2B;
Morgan Spicer 2F;
Samantha Caldwell 2R;
3rd Grade:
Emma Johnson 3B;
Katie Evans 3M;
4th Grade
Anna Stokum 4B;
Ethan Martinez & AndyVas 4C;
Matthew Sears 4U;
5th Grade:
Katie Wilgus 5K;
Haley Johnson, Brock Pappas & Kyle Guenther 5Z;
Samantha Bolin, Kristina Smrekar, Kourtney Wilgus, & Tess Boby 5R
Other tidbits of information:
Don't forget this Friday is Spirit Day AND Time out for Reading, join us by reading at 10am and wear your school colors!