
Washington Township Elementary Awarded 4 Star Exemplary Status & Other Good News!

By: Washington Township Elementary School Last Updated: October 11, 2010

The State has two rating scales for schools. The first is the national "No Child Left Behind" program where schools must pass an ever increasing "bar" on ISTEP scores in all categories. WTES found out last week, that once again we have "cleared the bar in every category, therefore passing the Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements.

In addition, WTES received Elemplary in the second rating system. In Fact ALL 6 East Porter County School Corporation Schools were rated as Exemplary and were awarded the 4 Star School Award. This is the 6th time in as many years that WTES has been named Exemplary. The schools are currently rated Exemplary, Commendable, Academic Watch, and Academic Probation. Only 188 schools in all of Indiana received this 4 star school award this year. (Note these are individual schools, NOT school districts, one school may get the award in a school district, another may not.) Twenty five of those schools were from the six Northwest Indiana counties, and all SIX East Porter County Schools were of those twenty five! Click here to read more.

Students at WTES can choose to run/jog/walk the track during recess several days a week. During the 2010-2011 school year the following students have reached the 10 Mile Goal: Evan Bell, Jasmina Sager, Robert Vinzant, Blake Haines, and Kohl Graf. Reaching the 15 Mile Goal is: Michael DeHaven. Great job keeping fit kids!!

Our third grade classes are growing, therefore a third part time 3rd grade teacher has been hired to reduce class size for the core subjects. Mrs.Lena Glover returns to WTES to teach the core subjects to students from the two 3rd grade classrooms. This will allow for an average 18-1 student ratio. The student in Mrs. Glovers class will return to their homeroom during lunch/recess and specials. Thank you to the WTES School Board for making this possible!

Last week the 2nd graders went on a field trip to the Indiana Dunes. They enjoyed perfect weather for studying science and nature in it's truest form. Take a look at a few photos from the trip.

Don't forget to mark your calendars for Father/Student night on October 22nd. It promises to be a fun night for all!

The Power of Positive Personnel, Mrs. Floran came across a contest sponsored by Clorox. Please review her submission and vote for WTES! You can enter once per day per email! Please forward this link to family and friends!

Finally, we don't want to forget to mention or Students of the Week for the week of October 4th.

1st Grade: 1C - Kathy Orta, 1H - Lauren Gillespie 1P - Michelle O'Quinn

2nd Grade: 2B - Alexis Austin, 2F - Reece Goetz, 2R - Evan Taylor

3rd Grade: 3B - Dakota Ellison, 3M - Zoe Brickner

4th Grade: 4C - Alisha Lemmon, 4B - Jared Armstrong, 4U - Kyle Krawczyk

5th Grade: 5K - Ben Stewart, 5R - Bobby Walker, 5Z - Ashley Porzel