
Immanuel Lutheran School Barnes & Noble Fundraiser

By: Immanuel Lutheran School Last Updated: October 14, 2010

immanuel-lutheran-school-logoOn Saturday, October 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Barnes & Noble in Valparaiso, will be a book fair to benefit our school library. 10% cash back will be given to the school library on all purchases including coffee, music, calendars, electronic books, etc. A voucher must be presented with each purchase. Vouchers (yellow paper) are available outside the school office and the library. On Sundays, vouchers will be available at the coffee bar, the SCRIP table and the resource table. Come join the activities:

9:00 a.m. Mrs. Lundgren reads a story
10:00 a.m. Mrs. Daiber reads a story
11:00 a.m. Mrs. Ickstadt plays the flute
3:00 p.m. Mrs. Schultheis reads a story
4:00 p.m. Deaconess Beversdorf’s puppet