Family Life Series Workshop “Drugs and the Adolescent Brain”

The Family & Youth Services Bureau strives to strengthen families in Porter County. Through a wonderful grant opportunity, we are having a Family Life Series Workshop which addresses various topics related to families. All workshops are FREE and open to anyone!
Our upcoming workshop entitled “Drugs and the Adolescent Brain” is being held on November 9, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Valparaiso office located at 253 W. Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN. Attendants of this workshop will broaden their understanding on how drugs effect the adolescent brain. As well, this workshop will help attendants to gain an understanding of the physical affects of drugs on the brain, developmental affects of drugs, the effects drugs have on family functioning. The presenter is Mr. Stan Lelek. Mr. Lelek, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a State and nationally certified chemical dependency therapist who works in Valparaiso, Indiana. He is on the psychology staff at Porter Hospital. He has taught Psychology at Ivy Tech State College and Purdue North Central. Prior to these activities, he worked for two community mental health centers as a chemical dependency therapist and a chemical dependency program director.
This program is made possible through a grant from the Indiana Department of Child Services. If you are interested in attending this workshop and want to register or if you want information on other monthly topics, please contact us at (219) 464-9585 or (219)763-6623