
Washington Township Elementary Hosts Father Student Competitions and a Pint Size Blood Drive

By: Washington Township Elementary School Last Updated: October 28, 2010

Last Thursday, WTES hosted a blood drive by the American Red Cross, called Pint Size Heroes. The student council member assisted in getting drinks and snacks for the patients and helped entertain the children waiting with coloring sheets. The hopes of the American Red Cross in involving student volunteers is to inspire them to donate when they are old enough and to stress the importance of helping others in this way. During slower times in the evening the student council members helped clip Box Tops and Campbells Soup labels to size to turn in for fundraising.

Friday night the WTES gym was home to the Father-Student Competitions. Fathers (or another adult) and their student(s) competed in a free evening of fun fair activities. Traditional games included a ring toss, putt-putt golf, and soft darts. One of the more unusual competitions was to throw a roll of toilet paper into an actual toilet, which brought on many snickers and silly jokes. The teams were given points at each activity and each point was worth 1cent. At the end of the evening the teams could turn in their point sheet for concesssions.

This week, as always we are proud to announce our Students of the Week

1st Grade: Kohl Graf 1C; Parker Graf 1H; Josh Tomayer 1P

2nd Grade: Will Batthauer 2B; Abigail Fisher 2F;Finnian Larkin 2R

3rd Grade: Lake Frantom 3B; Daisy Evans 3M

4th Grade: Aja Ashley 4B; Matthew Wirth 4C; Savannah Wilgus 4U

5th Grade: Sydney Yagelski 5K; Delanie Burchert 5Z


The Core Value we're featuring for the month of October is Citizenship. Important aspects of citizenship include obeying rules, working for the good of society and respecting authority. The main purpose of rules is to protect yours, and other people's rights and to keep you from doing harmful things to yourself. Learning to obey rules now will have an important effect on your future happiness. If you get in the "habit" of disobeying certain rules now, it tends to develop negative behavior patterns in your life. So, if problems with lying, cheating, stealing, fighting, etc. aren't corrected now, they could land you in jail as an adult or cause you to be fired from your job. Good citizenship also involves working for the good of society; i.e.: volunteering. I would challenge each person to find at least one area where you can volunteer to help others on a regular basis. Churches, scouts, clubs, charitable organizations, political groups, all serve to better our community and all are in need of active volunteers. From personal experience, I know that volunteering provides one with a great sense of personal fulfillment and makes a significant contribution to the betterment of others. Finally, a good citizen shows respect to all those in authority. One of the things that will get you in trouble real quickly here at school is showing disrespect to an adult (e.g. back-talking, sarcasm, mocking, prolonged arguing, etc.) We want to stress the importance of proper respect to those in authority to avoid certain problems later in life (back-talking to a policeman usually lands one in jail). Good citizenship is an important life skill to be developed for a student's future success and happiness and we'll do our best to emphasize it here at WTS.

Other News & Reminders

School Newsletters will no longer be sent home on paper, they will be delivered electronically. If a parent chooses, they can fill out a form to have a paper copy sent home each week. This change is in effort to help reduce costs.

Next week is our bookfair, volunteers are still needed. If you would be willing to man the book fair for a few hours next week, please contact the school.