A Special Holiday Mad Lib from Group 7even

How to play: With everyone gathered around, start asking people for specific types of words as indicated and fill the words in the blanks. To ensure no one guesses the original story, ask for words out of order. When you're done, read the story out loud to the whole group for some great laughs!
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the __
type of place
Not a __ was __, not even a __.
singular noun; verb (ending in "ing"); singular noun
The __ were __ all snug in their __*
plural noun; verb (ending in "ing"); things that something can be in*
While visions of __ __ in their heads.
plural noun; past verb
When out in (the) __ there arose such a __,
place; noise
I __ from my *__ to see what was the matter.
past verb, *thing something can be in
What to my wondering eyes should appear, But a __ __ and __ __ __!
adjective; vehicle; number; adjective; noun
I knew in a moment that it must be __.
famous person
And he/she __ and called his/her team by name:
past verb
"Now, __! "Now, __! "Now, __ and __!
name; name; name; name
On, __! On, __! On, __ and __!
name; name; name; name
He/she spoke not a word, but went straight to his/her work, He/she filled all the __ and up the chimney he/she __.
things that something can be in; past action verb
And I heard him/her exclaim, as he/she drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to __, and to __ a good-night!"
plural noun; plural noun