
Concert Association Brings Wisconsin Historical Band to Next Concert

By: Concert Association of Valparaiso Last Updated: April 13, 2011

1st-Brigade-Band-2The Concert Association of Valparaiso, in collaboration with the Valparaiso High School Band program, is presenting a concert of the 1st Brigade Band from Wisconsin on Sunday, May 1, 2011, at 2:00 pm in the VHS Auditorium. Tickets are $15 per person, and free to kindergarten through 12th grade Valparaiso Community Schools students.

"The band makes history live by presenting period brass band music, performed on antique instruments. Attired in uniforms and gowns, the Band's musicians, color guard, and costumed ladies take you back to the 1860's; to that turbulent era known as the Civil War. A nostalgic portrayal of the atmosphere of days gone by is generated by a unique form of showmanship that blends the sights and sounds of the period with historical anecdotes." For more information about the 1st Brigade Band, visit them online at

For more information on the Concert Association of Valparaiso, visit their website at 1st-Brigade-Band-1