Valpo Kiwanis to Sell Ice Cream at Popcorn Fest

The Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis will once again be partnering with Das Dairy Queen at the 33rd Annual Valparaiso Popcorn Fest. Tasty Dairy Queen treats and bottled water will be sold during the festival on Saturday, Sept. 10 in downtown Valparaiso. Dilly Bars, No Fat Fudge Bars and Star Kist Bars will be available for $3 each or two for $5.
Proceeds will aid the charitable works of Kiwanis – Serving the Children of the World. The Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis is the second largest in the state. Kiwanis International has 586,000 adult and youth members around the globe. Each year, the Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis sponsor service projects and raise funds to support local youth through the schools and various youth organizations. Support goes to organizations like Riley Hospital and 4-H. Additionally, Kiwanis provide service and leadership programs for young people and adults with disabilities around the world via Kiwanis Kids, Builders Clubs, Key Clubs, Circle K International and Action Club.
For information visit or or like Kiwanis on Facebook.