Homework Hotline Is Back in Service

Hoosier students can receive free tutoring by phone, online
Hoosier students experiencing difficulties with math and science assignments should know help is just a call or click away, said State Sen. Ed Charbonneau (R-Valparaiso).
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology recently launched its 20th year of free tutoring for Hoosiers in grades 6-12. Sunday through Thursday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST, students can call 1-877-ASK-ROSE (1-877-275-7673) and receive personal attention as they work through problems.
“Many Hoosier students are achieving better academic success thanks to Rose-Hulman and its tutors,” Charbonneau said. “Just last year, the Homework Hotline answered 45,042 calls and conducted 2,934 online tutoring sessions. Locally, students from Senate District 5 received assistance in finding the right solutions to more than 2,300 problems. This is a great service and I anticipate this next school year thousands more will find the help they need when calling the hotline.”
Charbonneau said when students call the hotline they need to provide their first name, their school’s name and be prepared with necessary materials:
- Homework assignment;
- Textbook (if available);
- Paper;
- Pen or Pencil; and
- Calculator (if necessary).
Homework questions can also be submitted online at www.AskRose.org starting Sept. 26. Responses to online questions are given during the Homework Hotline’s hours of operation, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Charbonneau said tutoring is provided by college students who were recommended by their professors. Tutors are chosen based on technical and communication skills and are trained on how to best answer questions while explaining difficult concepts to younger students.
In order to provide help with questions, tutors are armed with copies of state-recommended textbooks and Internet access. While they are not to give students the answers to problems or assignments, tutors will help students analyze questions and come up with solutions.
Charbonneau said teachers may also access lesson plans, articles, a summary of Indiana’s academic standards and other educational resources when visiting www.AskRose.org.