VHS Banding Together to Support One of Their Own – Bryon Duncan

Bryon Duncan, Senior at Valparaiso High School was injured during a football game on September 9, 2011. To date he has undergone one surgery with more to come.
Bryon is a humble young man that is in need of our support and financial assisstance. He will be traveling for his surgeries and is continuing his high school courses online with the help of tutors. We are fundraising for Bryon so he can purchase a computer and start a scholarship fund. Please make checks payable to Valparaiso High School, memo, Donation B.D.
Elegan Sportwear, LLC of Valparaiso, has generously donated t-shirts and bands (bracelets) to jump start our fundraiser. The t-shirts and the bands (bracelets) will be available to purchase during lunch hours starting October 5. The shirts are $10.00 and the "For # 20- Stay Strong" bands are $5.00 each. If you are interested in purchasing t-shirts or bands please contact Brighitte Snemis at bsnemis@valpo.k12.in.us.
"Bryon Duncan has been a part of our Viking family and Valparaiso Football program for many years. His dedication and commitment to this sport has been very compelling. This injury has created a setback in his career as a football player and as an athlete at Valparaiso High School. We the football team and the coaches are giving support financially and support with our prayers and love for a speedy recovery. Anything that you could do to help us in this endevor will be much appreciated." Coach Hoffman, Valparaiso high School Varsity Head Coach.