
Poem of the Week: “October Snow” by Doug Ramspeck

By: Edward Byrne Last Updated: October 18, 2011

vprThe VPR Poem of the Week is Doug Ramspeck’s “October Snow,” which appears in the Fall/Winter 2011-2012 issue (Volume XIII, Number 1) of Valparaiso Poetry Review—the 25th issue of the journal—that has just been released.

Doug Ramspeck's poetry collection, Black Tupelo Country, was awarded the 2007 John Ciardi Prize for Poetry and was published in 2008 by BkMk. His poems have appeared in West Branch, Rattle, Confrontation Magazine, Connecticut Review, Nimrod, Hunger Mountain, and Hayden's Ferry Review. He directs the Writing Center and teaches creative writing and composition at The Ohio State University at Lima.

Tuesday of each week One Poet’s Notes highlights an excellent work by a poet selected from the issues of Valparaiso Poetry Review, except when other posts with news or updates preempt the usual appearance of this item, with the recommendation that readers visit it.