
Porter County’s Tourism Bureau Announces Recipients of $40,000 in Grants

By: Indiana Dunes Tourism Last Updated: November 23, 2011

Indiana-Dunes-Tourism-LogoIndiana Dunes Tourism, the official tourism bureau of Porter County, announced today that it has selected 21 non-profit organizations, cities and towns to receive $40,000 in grant money to help promote their festivals and events, sporting competitions, and conferences during 2012.

The goal of the grant program is to provide funding for events, activities and programs that grow tourism in Porter County, said Lorelei Weimer, executive director of Indiana Dunes Tourism.

These grants are designed to bring in outside dollars and encourage people to visit from outside Porter County,” Weimer said.

Although the goal is to encourage visitors to come to Porter County, the county’s residents benefit because more money is brought into the county and because residents get more festivals and events to enjoy, Weimer said.

In 2012, Indiana Dunes Tourism will honor the following 21 grants: 2012 AAU Youth District (State) Track & Field Championship, $2,000; Aukiki River Festival, $1,900; Bark in the Park/Taste of Duneland, $2,000; 2012 Earth Day Celebration, $1,000; Fall Harvest Festival, $750; 54th Annual Chesterton Art Fair, $1,500; 4th Annual Chesterton ARTour, $700; GreenTown 2012 Conference, $3,000; Hebron Block Party/Winterfest, $3,000; Porter County Master Gardeners Association 9th Annual Gardening Show, $1,500; Institute of Liturgical Studies conference, $1,500; 33rd Annual Kouts Christmas Open House, $1,400; Passport to the Past and Treasures of the Past Antique & Collectible Show, $1,500; Portage Perch Fest & Grand Prix, $2,000; Winter Snow Show, $1,000; Chesterton Wizard of Oz Festival, $2,500; 27th Annual Valparaiso University Jazz Fest, $1,250; Lutheran Basketball Association hosted by Valparaiso University, $3,000; National Softball Association hosted by Valparaiso Department of Parks & Recreation, $3,000; National Softball Association hosted by Portage Parks & Recreation, $3,000; and Elvis FANtasy Fest, $2,500.

The grants can be used for such things as advertising, printing and promotional expenses that bring visitors to Porter County and encourage overnight stays. The funds can also be used by municipalities and non-profit organizations to develop brochures, websites and other tools that encourage visitation.

Organizations receive a 50 percent match from Indiana Dunes Tourism with maximum amounts up to $3,000 for the first year, $2,500 for the second year and $1,500 for the third year.

In addition to the $40,000 in grants already chosen for 2012, Indiana Dunes Tourism has set aside additional grant money for events that develop during the year and need funding.

Organizations interested in learning more about the 2012 Tourism Promotion Grant Program should visit or call (219) 926-2255.