
Immanuel Students Connect with Students in Gualan, Guatemala

By: Immanuel Lutheran School Last Updated: November 30, 2011

Immanuel-Students-Connect-with-GuatemalaLast week Immanuel had a very special guest visit from Gualan, Guatemala. Pastor Jacinto and his wife operate a Lutheran school in Guatemala. One of the purposes of this trip was to explore the opportunities for the children of that school to connect with the children of Immanuel Lutheran School. Plans have been discussed about ways to use both old technology-paper and pen, and new technology-computer and camera to accomplish this. The school in Gualan does not have any books. The teachers are reliant on using the blackboard or copying papers.

Immanuel Lutheran Church has been sending short term mission groups to Central America since 2005 and for the past 5 years they’ve gone to Guatemala. Going to the same place for several years has allowed relationships to grow among the people.

In February a mission team from Immanuel will again be going to Gualan. Plans are being made to build a house, teach diabetic management, operate a reading eye glass clinic, teach dental hygiene and general good health practices. Help is needed to collect items needed: Reading glasses of any strength, new or used. Soap, washcloth, lotions, and thicker crèmes or petroleum ointments for dry cracked feet. Multivitamins for the elderly and pregnant/nursing women. Chewable vitamins for the children (no soft jelly ones- they melt in the heat). Tylenol or ibuprofen for the aches and pains from hard physical labor. Toothbrushes and toothpaste for dental hygiene instruction. Any of these items are welcome and can be brought to Immanuel.

For more information about the mission trip contact Tom Brown at Immanuel 219.462.8207.