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Porter Health System to Make Equipment, Patient Transfer “A Safe Environment”

“Imagine a hospital built for you.” That is the general consensus behind the plans for Porter Regional Hospital. The new hospital will include not only a new name, but new technology, new equipment, a new design and a new presence, including beautiful aesthetics to help speed the healing process.

Jonathan Nalli, CEO of Porter Health System, revealed the logistics involved in the move from the current location in downtown Valparaiso to the new location with a common goal: “Continue to prosper.”

The new hospital is doubling in size, from 250,000 square feet, to half a million square feet, with over 104 acres, allowing for the capability to expand. The reason for such a large site, “So Regional stays the prime location.” explained Nalli. Porter Hospital has grown to the point where it is serving patients from surrounding states like Michigan and Ohio, as well as other states like Colorado and Texas. This transition to a larger facility is necessary.

Colleen Tymensky, Transition Planner for Porter, explained that the objective is “A flawless relocation.” Working with law enforcement and emergency medical technicians, the team at Porter has carefully collaborated and strategized routes for patients and equipment to be transferred.

Beginning Saturday, August 25, 2012, at 6:00 AM, patients will start transferring to Porter Regional Hospital. The ER will then be closed at Porter Hospital and new patients will be directed to the new location. The entire transition is expected to take six to eight hours.

During the transfer process, attention to detail will be given to every single patient transferred, using only ambulances with ALS (Advanced Life Support) equipment. From the laboring mother to the imminent passing of a patient, all will be considered with the utmost caution and understanding, including trained medical personnel on each and every transport.

With this transition taking place and an estimated 124 projected patients, including new mothers with infants, Tymensky said that one of the main goals is “providing a safe environment. Visitors will be restricted during this process.”

Nalli added, “We want to make the hospital available to the community for a celebration. On two occasions, we are inviting the community to have fun and celebrate with us. First, there will be a Community Celebration that will be fun for all on July 22nd.  Also, for the first time, we are going to be holding our first ever Healthy Hustle 5K on the beautiful acres surrounding the hospital. We look forward to celebrating this new hospital with you.”