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Student Creativity On Display at Chesterton High School

Step-Outside-the-FrameSTEP OUTSIDE THE FRAME Art Exhibit will be presented April 18th, 2012, from 6-8 PM as well as Thursday April 19th 6-8 PM. This special art exhibit is the result of the yearlong creative journey of thirteen Junior and Senior students in the International Baccalaureate and Advanced Art Senior Portfolio program at Chesterton High School. They invite you to celebrate their success by attending and seeing where this journey has taken them!

Each student has created their own gallery space and appointed it with their personal touches to showcase their body of work. Each work has been fueled by their independent research of topics such as abstraction, narrative, and ritual and tradition. They individually explore and experiment with media to expand their own interpretive expression. They record all processes, evidence and reflections in an Investigative Workbook which assists them in the actual creation of each artwork.

Visitors to past exhibits have remarked about the innovative and imaginative solutions these students have arrived at. No two presentations are alike—and each student has truly created their own path of visual learning. Come see for yourself! If you have a community group that would like to visit during the day during school hours on Thursday, April 19th please contact Kirsten Renehan at Kirsten.renehan@duneland.k12.in.us to arrange a time.

Chesterton High School is located at 2125 S. 11th Street. Visitors should use Entrance 31, then proceed to the Upper Gymnasium via the staircase or elevator located closest to that door. We will look forward to seeing you there!