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Road to Pittsburgh – “Redemption”

I bet many of you have not heard of The Chicago Force.

It happens about three or four times a week, I get into a conversation with someone and it eventually comes out that I play tackle football for the Chicago Force - a team he or she has never heard of. They think I may be offended, but I’m not. I simply offer up information about the team and invite them to our next event.


So here it is. The Chicago Force is a full contact, NFL rules; eleven on eleven women’s tackle football team that has been around for 10 years. We compete in the Women’s Football Alliance (WFA) that fields 62 teams all across the country. Yes we hit, and we hit hard. Yes we understand what a cover two defense is, and better yet we understand how to beat it! Oh yeah…come watch us play for the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP IN PITTSBURGH ON AUGUST 4TH!

This is my third year playing for this organization. In 2010 we were 7-1 and lost in the first round of the playoffs to the Dallas Diamonds. In 2011 we were 8-0 and lost in the quarterfinals to the Boston Militia who went on to win the championship last year. This year we again had a undefeated regular season and are currently 11-0 and one of two teams left out of 62.

The women I play with range in age from their early 20s to mid 40s and come from three states – Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. We all balance football with our careers and some with families. We have an architects, attorneys, firemen, policemen, nurses and of course – teachers.

I travel three days a week to one of three locations on the northwest side of Chicago. 294 and I have a very intimate relationship at this point. Do we get paid – NO. In fact, we pay to play this game. In constant search for sponsorships and donations we spread the good word about our team to as many people as we can on a constant basis.

So why do I play?

I’ve played on so many teams at many different levels, and I have three favorites. The 1996 Valpo Vikings team that played in the state championship game at Market Square Arena (freshmen year of high school). We lost to Center Grove by 11 points, but that group of girls and coaches helped to shape me into the type of person and athlete I am today. We started the season 2-3 and then won every game until the state finals. We ran on pure adrenaline for about a month – it was awesome. The 2003 Valparaiso University Crusaders that played in the NCAA Tournament for the first time in school history (senior year). We finally got our program over the hump that year. After playing in the conference championship game many times – WE WON! I will never forget the feeling of running onto the floor for the round of 64 – it was awesome. The 2012 CHICAGO FORCE. We are a true team. We have some great players but every game somebody different steps up. It is a sisterhood – Band of Sisters to be exact. It is different playing on a team as an adult – I guess you have a better understanding of the commitment and emotions of the moment. Maturity gives you perspective. After you leave behind college athletics - for women there are not many choices. I played some slow pitch softball and flag football, but nothing filled that competitive void - until I found The Force.

This year is about redemption. Boston kicked us around pretty good last year in the quarter finals – they are a very good team. IT WAS A HORRIBLE FEELING last June to walk away from a team that was undefeated, very talented but came up short. Sometimes you do everything right and things still don’t turn out as you would like - that is life. So we picked each other up and all off season so many of us recommitted ourselves to becoming better football players. When January 7th rolled around (first practice of the year) our goal was clear – we want to win a national championship. So for over six months we practiced and conditioned to get us to the point we were last Saturday – staring the same team in the face that knocked us out last year.

Half time score, Force 35, Militia 14.

Final score, Force 35, Militia 34. If you want to watch the game WJOB archives them on our website and theirs.

Now you know the back story and it is time to look forward to the 2012 Silversport Women’s Football Alliance National Championship Game. Being played on Heinz field (home of the Pittsburgh Steelers) - this is the first women’s championship game to be played in an NFL stadium. The game is also being broadcast on ESPN3 which is available to some 70 million households. My teammates and I are very proud to be representing Chicago and all women as our sport takes a huge leap forward.

Until next time - GO FORCE!!!