Home»Community»Education»Board of School Trustees Meeting April 16, 2013

Board of School Trustees Meeting April 16, 2013

valpo-community-schoolsThe Board of School Trustees will meet April 16, 2013, at 6:00 pm, at Parkview Elementary School. The agenda is as follows:

Call to Order

Remarks & Introductions - Mark Maassel

Mrs. Anne Wodetzki, Principal, Parkview Elementary School

Pledge of Allegiance - Anne Wodetzki

National Anthem and Welcome Songs - Parkview Elementary School Choir

  1. Student and Staff Recognitions
    1. TJMS Science Olympiad Team - State Champions: Jim Polite/Richard Bender
    2. VHS Girls Gymnastics Team - State Runner-up: Reid Amones/Lori Cook/Angie Moon
    3. 2013 Elementary Math Bowl Competition: Michael Berta/Board Members/Principals
      1. Orange Class: Flint Lake Elementary - State Top Ten: Dr. Jim McCall
      2. Red Class: Central Elementary - State Runner-up: Beth Krutz
    4. John Sego - 2013 Porter County Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year: Dr. Reid Amones/Jon Groth
    5. Matt Mues - Indiana Award for Excellence, Outstanding CTE Studnet: Dr. Reid Amones/Jon Groth
  2. Approval of Minutes - Michael Berta
    1. Regular Meeting of the Board - March 19, 2013
    2. Executive Session of the Board - March 19, 2013
    3. Board Discussion - April 2, 2013
  3. Financial Reports - Sharon Qualkenbush
    1. Financial Report - March 2013
    2. Fund Monitoring Reports - March 2013
    3. Donations and Gifts Report - March 2013
  4. Recommendations of Claims for Payment - Sharon Qualkenbush
    1. Vendor Claims for March 20 - April 16, 2013
    2. Payroll Claim #7 for 2013
    3. Payroll Claim #8 for 2013
    4. Payroll Claim #9 for 2013 - March 29, 2013
    5. Payroll Claim #10 for 2013 - April 12, 2013
  5. Overnight Field Trip Requests - Michael Berta
  6. Personnel Recommendations and Requests - James Doane


Old Business

7. Presentation to the Valparaiso City Council - 07: Michael Berta

8. AdvancED District Accreditation - Update from April 12 Meeting: Michael Berta

New Business

9. Recommendation for Book Rental Assessment 2013-14: Sharon Qualkenbush

10. Recommendation for Random Substance testing, Grades 9-12: Michael Berta

11. Recommendation of Modifications to Policies Updating VCS Facility Use, Fees, and Forms: Jim Doane

12. Recommendation of Record Transfers from VCS Food Service Extracurricular Account to VCS Corporate Account: Sharon Qualkenbush

13. Recommendation to Provide Full-Day Kindergarten (FDK) Experience with Only Approved Exception: Michael Berta

14. Recommendation to Award Roof Bids for Thomas Jefferson Elementary, Parkview, and Northview Schools: Todd Van Keppel

15. Request to Cancel Old Oustanding Checks: Sharon Qualkenbush

16. Approval to Advertise for Boilers at Porter County Career and Technical Center and at Service Center: Todd Van Keppel

Public Participation

17. The revisions of Board Policy 0167.3, Public Participation at Board Meetings, are listed below:

  1. Patrons who wish to address the Board must record the following information on the Public Participation form provided:
    1. name and address of the participant;
    2. group affiliation, if and when appropriate; and
    3. genda item to be addressed.
  2. Individuals or groups wishing to place an item on the agenda shall register their intent with the superintendent no later than noon two (2) days prior to the meeting. Agenda items for the Tuesday meeting must be submitted by noon on the Friday prior to the Board meeting.
  3. Public participation shall be permitted under the agenda item entitled “Public Participation” and must be restricted to items appearing on the agenda of the Board meeting.
  4. Those persons who wish to address the Board during the agenda item entitled “Public Participation” must sign in with the recording secretary and list the agenda item which the visitor wishes to discuss.
  5. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five (5) minutes duration.
  6. No person may present orally or discuss at any meeting of the Board of Education any charges or complaints against employees of the school district without first presenting such charges or complaints to the Board of Education through the superintendent, in writing, signed, and verified by the person or group making such a charge or complaint.
  7. The President may terminate any person’s privilege of address for persistent violations of rules or conduct by a participant and declare that person out of order for violations of rules.
  8. The portion of the meeting during which the participation of the public is invited shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes.


Superintendent/Board Comments
