An outstanding group of candidates have been chosen as the 2013 CHS Prom royalty contestants. Three seniors were nominated for king and queen and three juniors for prince and princess.
The three students nominated for queen are Rachael Holifield, Kiera Quealy and Micheala Sosby; and princess are Katherine Bruni, Elizabeth Green and Leslie Taubert.
Holifield is the daughter of Mary Chastain of Westville. She is active in German club and intramural volleyball.
Quealy, daughter of Georgeann and Brian Quealy of Beverly Shores, is Theatre club vice president, a member of National Honor Society, and is active in speech, theatre and the Sandscript newspaper.
Sosby, daughter of Tim and Tina Sosby of Portage, is Sandscript editor, is a member of National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll Honor Society, Natural Helpers and the International Baccalaureate program.
Bruni, daughter of Kim and Seth Bruni of Chesterton, is active in yearbook and Spanish club.
Green, daughter of Gary and Barbara Green of Valparaiso, is a member of Speech & Debate, National Honor Society, art club and theatre club.
Taubert, daughter of John and Karen Taubert of Chesterton, is active in swimming, student council and Spanish club.
The three students nominated for king are Brady Wade, James Walker and Tim Trowbridge; and prince are Simon Andrews, Andrew Ralph and Kevin Kenney.
Wade, son Tom and Darcey Wade of Chesterton, is active in tennis, Quiz Bowl, Academic Decathlon, ultimate Frisbee club, theatre club and Business Professionals of America (BPA).
Walker is the son of Mitch and Betsy Walker of Valparaiso, is active in track and field.
Trowbridge, son of Tim and Dawn Trowbridge of Chesterton, is active in the International Baccalaureate program, is a member of National Honor Society and is Super High Mileage club president.
Andrews, son of Ben and Marsha Andrews of Valparaiso, is active in Speech and Debate.
Ralph, son Ron and Kristin of Chesterton, is active in baseball and is a member of National Honor Society.
Kenney is the son of Robert and Karen of Porter, is active in track and field and is a member of National Honor Society.
The CHS junior/senior prom, “Enchanted Forest,” will be hosted at the Chesterton High School Commons on Saturday, May 4 from 8 p.m.-Midnight. Pictures are at 7 p.m. p.m. The Grand March will begin at approximately 8:30 in the Field House. Prom goers will use Entrance 31. Parents and guests will be required to use the Field House doors located at Entrances #32 and #33. The Royal Court will be chosen following the Grand March.