Home»Business»Development»NIRPC Complete Streets Workshop – JUNE 28th!

NIRPC Complete Streets Workshop – JUNE 28th!

NirpcGBLogocopyFriday, June 28th, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Woodland Park Community Center, 2100 Willowcreek Road, Portage, Indiana 46368

The Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission will be hosting a free Complete Streets Workshop in Portage on June 28th, organized by the Alliance for Health Promotion and the Indiana Complete Streets Coalition. The workshop will provide participants with a better understanding of complete streets and their benefits, complete streets policies, and techniques for designing and implementing complete streets in a variety of contexts. Following lunch, participants will have an opportunity to learn about best practices for design, mode prioritization and more included within “Complete Streets, Complete Networks,” NIRPC’s new design guide produced by the Active Transportation Alliance. Please see the attached announcement and agenda for more information.

You may register for free at www.healthbydesignonline.org. Please note that registration is due by 5pm on Monday, June 24th.

We expect to provide continuing education credits for professional planners and engineers.

This meeting will take place in lieu of NIRPC’s regularly scheduled Ped, Pedal & Paddle Committee meeting. Because of the importance of this meeting, a full point will be awarded to a future TAP/STP grant for LPA attendance.