It began when Amy Bell Norrod’s oldest daughter, Kate, asked that instead of gifts for her birthday, all of her friends and family bring donations for the Porter County Animal Shelter. After everyone had given their donations, she had collected so much that the donations filled the back of her mom’s station wagon.
“When we took the donation in to the shelter to give to Jon, the director, after a Kids Power event, we had the wonderful opportunity to meet Cathy Nolan,“ Norrod said. “The founder and president of Giant Paw Prints Rescue, and to love on Gibby, the Great Pyrenees GPPR mascot. We've been in love with this rescue group ever since Rescue and follow them on Facebook!”
Kate has always had a special place in her heart for animals, and she does her best to help whenever she can. For example, Kate collects loose change which he saves and then donates to the shelter and GPPR.
A while back the Norrod family decided to have a garage sale. When Kate found out about it, she begged her mom to let her and her sisters (Sophie age 4 and Emily age 2) have a bake sale and lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. Mom said yes, then received permission from GPPR to use their logo and information at their booths
“It was then that the magic happened,” Norrod exclaimed. “GPPR brought over supplies and baked goods. My girls baked and made posters. They set up their table offering treats strictly by donation, and for three days, they talked to strangers about the importance of rescue groups and giving animals their forever homes.”
People showed their generosity and love for animals, and donations came in hand over fist from $0.50 to $40 for a cupcake and a drink. By the end of the sale, Kate and her sisters raised over $300 which was then directly donated to unexpected medical bills for two dogs in the care of GPPR.
“I am so proud of them and am humbled and amazed by the generosity and goodness of people,” Norrod said. “There's no doubt that my girls will continue to give back to the animals in any way that they can!”
For lots of pictures and more details of the story, please check the Giant Paw Prints Rescue Facebook page.