Home»Other»NIRPC to Amend ‘Bikes on Trains’ Study into its Transportation Improvement Program

NIRPC to Amend ‘Bikes on Trains’ Study into its Transportation Improvement Program

Will Gather Public Comments on the TIP Amendment for the Proposed Study

nirpcThe Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) will commence an 8-day public comment period from January 29, 2014 to February 5, 2014, to gather public comments on the adding of the NICTD ‘Bikes on Trains’ Study to NIRPC’s 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a proposed minor amendment.

The proposed ‘Bikes on Trains’ Study would largely be an engineering study aimed at assessing the feasibility of accommodating bicycles on the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District’s (NICTD) rolling stock, including an identification of the requirements, opportunities, and barriers for instituting such a program, as well as a series of preferred alternatives.

The study represents a collaborative effort between NIRPC, NICTD, and Save the Dunes, and has also been made possible by generous local funding from Arcelor Mittal, the National Parks Conservation Association, the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority, Porter County, LaPorte County, NIPSCO, and the Greenways Foundation.

All comments received during the during the 8-day comment period will be compiled and responded to. Additional details regarding these actions will be posted on NIRPC’s website (http://www.nirpc.org/). Public comments will also be accepted via email (comments@nirpc.org) and the US Postal Service, 6100 Southport Road, Portage, IN 46368. Comments on these items will be accepted until February 5, 2014.

NIRPC is the Metropolitan Planning Organization and regional council of local governments for the three counties of Northwest Indiana. NIRPC provides the forum for local elected officials, regional, leadership, and citizens to address regional issues relating to transportation, the environment and community and economic development. NIRPC seeks to develop consensus solutions with the broadest participation.

For more information, please contact NIRPC at 219-763-6060. TTY users may call 711.