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Round Two Unified Auditions

Play-It-Again-SamThe Chicago Street Theatre invites the community to "Get into the Act" as they host Unified Auditions for the final three plays 2013-2014 Season on February 1 starting at 10 AM. Directors will be looking at amatuer actors for the group's upcoming productions of: Woody Allen's Play It Again, Sam; David Linsay-Abaire's Rabbit Hole; and William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Local actors interested in auditioning for these productions can go to CST's website at ChicagoStreet.org to look at casting requirements for the plays, script sides, and monoloques that will be used at the auditions. Audition forms to pre-register for February 1 are available on the website or those trying out can fill out forms at the theatre.on the day of auditions Sign up sheets will also be available for those wanting to volunteer for behind the scene crews on the productions being done during the second half of CST's 59th Season.

Play It Again, Sam directed by Jason Utesch will run April 4-19, 2014. The comedy is casting roles for 3 Men and 8 women ages 20 and up. In the play, a screenwriter, who is obsessed with the movie Casablanca, uses the help of his imaginary friend, Humphrey Bogart to get back into the swing of dating again after a horrible divorce.

Rabbit-HoleDirector David Pera is looking for 2 Men and 3 Women for the theatre's production of Rabbit Hole running May 23 through June 7, 2014. The 2007 Pulitzer Prize-winning play is a drama about a family putting the pieces of their lives back together after the tragic loss of their 3 year old son Danny in a hit-and-run accident. Lindsay-Abaire's play was made into a major motion picture in 2010 featuring Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart. A male teen is needed for the role of the driver and the rest of the cast is ages 30 and up.

This year's Shakespeare in Central Park Plaza presentation will be Romeo and Juliet with park performances on July 11 and 12. The production will continue indoor performances of this classic back at Chicago Street Theatre July 18 through July 26. A large cast of 20 + actors; ranging in age from 14 and up are needed by director, Eric Brant for the play. This is the third year for this partnersship with the Valparaiso Parks and Recreation Department. In the past two years the productions have played toaudiences of over 2,500 during the free shows at the downtown venue.

Romeo-and-JulietThose wishing to audition can contact the theatre at 219-464-1636. Scripts are available for check out on a limited basis at the theatre. Box Office hours are 10 AM to 2 PM weekdays and two hours prior to show time on performance nights. If cast in any of the productions actors and crew personel will be required to become members of the volunteer organization. Membership forms are available on CST's website.

General "cold readings" from all of the productions will start off the morning session and be followed in the afternoon with designated areas where the directors will be auditioning specifically for their shows. Traffic flow at the Unified auditions will be set up to allow for actors to audition for more than one production if they desire to. The directors will make every effort to cast their shows in a timely fashion and casting results will be posted on the CST website pending acceptance of roles by the actors. Actors should provide a list of conflicts on the day of auditions to help the directors establish rehearsal schedules.

Chicago Street Theatre looks forward to seeing you there!