Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Hobart Chamber 2015 BrOOFEST Event

Hobart Chamber 2015 BrOOFEST Event

2014-Hobart-BOOzfest-52015 BrOOFEST will take place on Friday, October 23, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel. We have moved the event downstairs to the Celebrity Ballroom as we have even more vendors this year! We have LOCAL brewers and wineries committed to bring some of their best samples! This is a pre-sale early bird ticket discount. Save $10 on VIP tickets until sold out or until May 31st. June 1st, VIP tickets will be $75 and GA and DD tickets will go on sale.

We've made the event even better this year with VIP's getting food the ENTIRE night! The Radisson is also offering rooms for only $99 that night!

VIP's get an hour early entry, goodie bag, lanyard with glass holder, food provided by Radisson and TJ Maloney's, and a commemorative pint glass.

Get your VIP Tickets before it's too late!