Students will graduate and classrooms will be refurbished, but the impact "This is Our Story" has on the community is one thing that will last long past the closing number of the concert. For over 28 years, Valparaiso students and their loved ones have been able to celebrate the holidays in the best way they know how: music and art.
This is Our Story - Monday | This is Our Story - Tuesday
“Each season, our music and art students have the opportunity to show our community how valuable the arts are to having a well-rounded education. For many students and people from our city, this creative display of the arts is the start of their holiday season! It’s a good feeling to see the community come together to participate in this joyous occasion,” said Linda Schonbachler, who led the VHS Men’s Chorus, Women’s Chorus and Mixed Chorus throughout the evening.
Because of the success the show has had over the years, the concert increased from one day to two. Schonbachler’s Concert Choir and Varsity Singers will perform the following evening, along with the Valparaiso High School Wind Ensemble and Concert Band, and the Ben Franklin Middle School bands.
“We were able to change the concert to two nights because of the increase in participation of students in their school’s music programs,” said Miguel Rosario, Director of Bands at VHS and Music Department Chair. “It’s all about the music. These students get hooked by the music.”
Senior Nicole Huth has been playing trombone at This is Our Story for seven years, making her a perfect example of a musician that got “hooked.”
“As an upperclassmen, it’s so cool to see how passionate and energetic the younger musicians are. It reminds me of myself at their age. Being able to be a role model for younger trombone players gives me an extremely memorable feeling,” said Huth.
Family and friends were able to watch Huth perform with the VHS Symphonic Band, as well as enjoy performances from the VHS Wind Symphony, Thomas Jefferson Middle School Band and Orchestra, Elementary Choirs, and VHS Concert Orchestra.
Music was not the only talent on display tonight. Hundreds of pieces of artwork made by students ranging from elementary to high school level were shown.
“The impact this show has on students is very powerful. Every kid wants their art on display. Some students are shocked and thrilled when told their work will be in the show. Some students work with a goal to have their work chosen,” said Stephanie Samardzija, TJ art teacher.
“I think any student having their art on display really boosts their confidence and capabilities in art. You know you have made some good choices when you see your students and their entire family at the show taking pictures with the family around the artwork. It makes your heart feel good.”
With friends, family, and students all walking away from the evening with the holiday spirit in their hearts after enjoying a closing Christmas sing-along, we can all expect another entertaining concert in 365 days.