Home»Community»Serving»Appreciation Station Enables Customers to Spread Some Cheer through Flanagin’s Bulk Mail Service

Appreciation Station Enables Customers to Spread Some Cheer through Flanagin’s Bulk Mail Service

Flanagins-appreciation-stationWalking into Flanagin’s Bulk Mail Service, customers can expect to see something new. Among the many wonderful things they do to help the community, they have now set up an appreciation station for customers to use in store!

Inspired by the city of Royal Oak, Michigan, Owner Donna Flanagin set the station up to encourage kindness. The station enables customers of Flanagin’s to grab a card, write someone a note, and add some cute stickers for free. Customers can choose to either hand deliver the cards, or have Flanagin’s mail them! While saying thank you may be a part of everyday life, taking the time to hand-write a note and mail it out to someone is an extra step that means much, much more.

“I love to scatter kindness and this fit right into my idea. Royal Oak used theirs for Employee Appreciation and I wanted to open up the idea to employees and visiting customers,” said Flanagin.

The appreciation station is a great way for members of the community to thank those around them. From the co-worker who brought the office donuts to the neighbor who can always be counted on when someone needs a hand, there's always someone out there deserving of a little praise.

Flanagin is always looking for ways to help others scatter kindness. Working throughout the community, Flanagin has participated in helping many charities and causes, and has been known to bring a bit of magic to the annual Popcorn Parade with the Flanagin’s Fairies. The appreciation station is just one more way for her to inspire good in her community.

Flanagins-appreciation-station-2“Life is full of good intentions, we plan to send the thank you or an appreciation note and then we forget or it just gets buried under tons of other things we want to do. I am trying to make it just a bit easier to show appreciation by having the card available and free. There is nothing better than acknowledging someone who deserves to be recognized,” said Flanagin.

The appreciation station can be found at Flanagin’s Bulk Mail Service for the foreseeable future. Flanagin says it will stay until her next big idea comes along that allows her to spread kindness throughout the area!