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“Channel Surfing”: The Fun and Comedic Student Show

“Channel Surfing”: The Fun and Comedic Student Show

The Valpo High School Drama Club put on this year’s ‘April Antics Channel Surfing’ comedy show on April 11th. The show included many performances that joined together for singing, dancing, acting and improvisation to create one comedic show that was fun for all. With 35 performances altogether, it created an upbeat and exciting show.

The show included multiple musical performances from singing, guitar playing, piano, and woodwind instruments. Some of the songs performed included “Comfortably Numb,” played by Jake Ingram and a mashup of “You Say” and “Someone Like You” performed by Kate Remijan, and Mia Webdell.

The VHS drama club director, Molly Vass, was excited to put the show on once again this year.

“This show has been happening for over 50 years here. People come to the show each year because they expect a variety and they get to watch different acts that are all entertaining,” said Vass.

The show is unique, as it is created by the students.

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“The show is produced and written by the students. They work with a lot of creative freedom. This allows them to come up with ideas that they believe their friends and peers would love to come watch,” said Vass. “They can display their talents in a way that no other style of play would allow them to.”

The play included an interactive portion for the audience to vote on what they would like to have viewed in the second act. During intermission, members of the audience voted in an online poll on the act they wanted to view more of. This allowed the audience to remain a part of the play and helped create a more engaged feeling.

Some of the dances performed in the show included “Desi Beatz” and a group effort of “Don’t Stop Me Now.” The dances were mixed in with various parts of the acts as little snippets of unique entertainment for the audience.

The title of the show “Channel Surfing” earned its name in the show as the performance portrayed characters using a remote to “change the channel” to different acts in the show.

Don’t worry, you still have time to be a part of the interactive show! It will be presented this Friday April 12 and Saturday April 13. Don’t miss out on seeing this eventful and funny comedy show!

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