Legacy is a powerful element in human history, and it is important to acknowledge those individuals who have contributed to the legacy of something great.
On January 8, the Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso awarded some of its members Silver Legacy Awards. These awards are presented to individuals who have been club members for more than 25 years. Those awarded ranged from past club presidents to board members to committee chairs, and all are talented individuals who have made significant contributions to the club and the community as a whole.
“We are here to acknowledge members who have committed their long-term time in support and service of the club,” said Steve Bobinski, president-elect of the Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso. “I’m proud of the people who are being awarded today, and I’m proud to be a member myself.”
The Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso is a not-for-profit service club dedicated to raising money to help children in the community. They have youth groups composed of kids from local middle schools, high schools, and even colleges, and the club also supports Riley Children's Hospital. In addition, a small portion of the funds goes to Kiwanis International to help global efforts.
“Their [the award recipients’] dedication to the club has been incredible,” said Lenny Corso, president of the Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso. “I think it’s very important to recognize people who have made an impact. These people are so positive and selfless, and I am grateful to have people who are willing to help others in the club.”
One of the awardees was Tim Bucher, founder of BucherTech. Founded in 2001, BucherTech was formed to empower Northwest Indiana organizations and support their digital transformation, with an emphasis on upgrading their modern technology services to compare with larger organizations. Corso said that Bucher has been a positive figure in the club, helping with such events as the Pancake Day fundraising event. In addition, Bucher has been making efforts to strengthen the club’s technological advancements, such as creating credit card scanners for those who buy their lunch at events. His skill set is valuable to the company, and members agreed he is a great person with whom to work and be friends.
“Working with these people has been a great pleasure,” said Patrick McGinley, a past Kiwanis Club president.
Paul Knauff, also a past club president, agreed. “The opportunity to provide service is paramount in what makes this a good community. Members have made life-long friends here in their pursuit of making it a better place,” he said.
To learn more about the Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso and their community efforts, please visit https://www.valpokiwanis.org/.
To learn about BucherTech, please visit https://buchertech.com/.