Order in the court! The Honorable Judge Margret Robb, the Honorable Judge Nancy Vaidik, and the Honorable Judge Paul Mathias presiding over the Indiana Court of Appeals in the Valparaiso High School auditorium.
"Appeals on Wheels" is an initiative to educate people about the judicial branch. The Court of Appeals hears oral arguments at different venues around the state, a program that began statewide in 2001. Since early 2000, the Court of Appeals has held over 250 mobile cases. Many of these venues include law schools, colleges, high schools, and county courthouses.
Today's argument was based on an appeal from the St. Joseph Superior Court, in regards to a home detention violation. The appellant was represented by Jeffrey Sanford, an attorney from the South Bend area. The appellee was represented by Angela Sanchez, an attorney from the Attorney General's Office in Indianapolis. Each side had 20 minutes to present an argument, with a chance for follow up from the side of the appellant. The court will deliberate and come to a decision within six weeks.
VHS students had the chance to observe today's arguments. After the formal presentation, the judges and attorneys held a question and answer session, informing the students of their educational background and some of their own work history as well.