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Bartholomew Funeral Homes honors veterans in life and death

Bartholomew Funeral Homes honors veterans in life and death

It’s important to honor our veterans both in life and in death. Many people know about the different benefits veterans are entitled to in life, but there are so many wonderful benefits that veterans are eligible for after they pass. Bartholomew Funeral Home strives to inform veterans and their families about these benefits and services so we can continue to honor them long after they're gone. 

“I personally do not think veterans get enough benefits. They were willing to do what they felt was right and put their lives on the line for all of us. It's an honor to help somebody who was willing to make that ultimate sacrifice. It's heartwarming and makes us feel like we can help bring some closure to somebody who may have been through a lot,” said Kyle Newhard, office manager. 

The most important thing for a veteran and their family to remember when learning about veteran benefits and making arrangements is that they need the veteran’s DD214 discharge paperwork to be eligible for nearly all benefits. If a veteran or their family doesn’t have the paperwork, they can get a copy from the National Reference Center. It will take a few weeks to receive, though, so it’s vital for families to keep this in mind and be prepared. 

One of the most common things Bartholomew helps veterans and their families with is applying for a free grave marker. Each veteran and their spouse can receive a bronze grave marker to be attached to whatever headstone they choose. The marker will have the veteran’s name, branch, date of birth, date of death, and rank. 

Bartholomew can also help a veteran be buried in a national cemetery. The most popular and difficult national cemetery to get into is Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia – it can often take months to get into and requires a certain military rank to be eligible for full burial. Bartholomew has helped people get into Arlington, but there are dozens of equally wonderful national cemeteries throughout the United States. The closest national cemetery to the Region is Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elmwood, Illinois. 

“It's a really nice choice. I've been there a couple of times; it's very peaceful, very calm, and very well organized. It’s definitely something for veterans to look into, and we can help arrange everything there,” said Newhard. 

As long as a veteran has their honorable discharge paperwork, they’re eligible to be buried in a national cemetery. When a veteran is buried in a national cemetery, they don’t have to pay for the grave or the burial vault. They don’t have to pay to have the grave dug and filled back in. Each veteran is also provided with a white marble headstone in whatever symbol aligns with their faith. Most importantly, a veteran doesn’t have to worry about being separated from their spouse; their spouse is eligible to be buried with them. It’s a great option for veterans and families who might struggle with the cost of a funeral. 

Regardless of whether a veteran is buried in a national or regular cemetery, Bartholomew can help a veteran’s family request for an honor guard to come to the funeral. During the funeral, the honor guard will play “Taps” and then fold and present the veteran’s family with an American flag. If a family would like for a 21-gun salute to be held for the veteran, Bartholomew can reach out to the American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post to get people to perform it. 

One of the last things Bartholomew can assist a veteran’s family with is applying for a small monetary benefit that the government provides. The benefit is typically only $100-$150, but the money is given directly to the families so they can use it for the funeral. 

On top of all the services and benefits, Bartholomew helps connect veterans’ families with, Bartholomew also works hard to provide special discounts to veterans’ families. One of the most touching things that the funeral home does is offer special caskets designed specifically for service members. Each military branch has its own themed casket with the different colors of the branch. These caskets are made with more of a premium material and Bartholomew offers them at a much lower price than what they are valued at. 

“Our veterans deserve that. They fought to keep us safe; it’s important to us to do what we can,” said Newhard. 

There are ultimately so many nice benefits and services that our country’s veterans are eligible for when they pass. The Bartholomew Funeral Home team is proud to help bring veterans and their families peace. 

“We want to do a service to you and to your family – they had to bear the brunt of you being sent somewhere where you could potentially be wounded or killed which makes them just as brave. It's important that you know that you're not alone. We're all in this together, and we’re here to honor veterans the best we can,” said Newhard. 

The Bartholomew team encourages anyone who has questions about veteran benefits to come and speak with them. Their door is always open. 

“If you're curious if you or your loved one might be entitled to some sort of benefits, come in and talk to us. We're more than happy to sit down with you and see what paperwork you have and discuss your options. It's very important to let your loved ones know ahead of time what arrangements you would like because we're all going to be there eventually. We're honored to serve our veterans and if there’s anything we can do we’ll make it happen,” said Newhard. To learn more about Bartholomew Funeral Home and everything it does to honor our veterans, visit bartholomewnewhard.com.