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Get to Know…Matt & Niki McIntire

Matt and Niki celebrated their first anniversary in May- and officially became members of BridgePoint Church! Matt plays drums and Niki plays electric guitar on our music team. We thought it'd be fun to get to know them a bit more by asking them a few questions. matt-niki


  • What's your favorite movie? The Bourne Trilogy
  • What was your first job? Newspaper Delivery Dude
  • What's your proudest moment? Marriage, Degree and Cruise all in the same year
  • What's your idea of a perfect day? A day at home with my wife with no plans
  • What's one thing about you that would surprise people? I've had seven piercings on my face (not all at once!)
  • Why do you serve where you do? God gave me talent with music so it only makes sense for me to serve him with it


  • What's one of your favorite books? The Chronicles of Narnia series (all of them)
  • What's your most recent purchase? 7 fun-sized Laffy Taffy bars from an Ohio gas station
  • What's your proudest moment? Finishing my student teaching semester, graduating, and then leaving everything for an amazing weeklong delayed-honeymoon cruise in the Western Caribbean with the best man in the whole wide world!
  • What's one thing about you that would surprise people? I used to race sled dogs; I had a kennel and was going to start building up a team of my own when I was 13
  • Why do you serve where you do? I serve to grow closer to God and to God's people, in BridgePoint. I currently serve on the worship team and will be serving in the children's ministry soon

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