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Get to Know…Kyle & Kelly Fogwell

Kyle and Kelly Fogwell moved to Valparaiso last year as newlyweds so Kyle could enroll in law school at VU. They've jumped right in serving at BridgePoint and recently became members. We wanted you to get to know them a bit more! kyle-kelly-1


  • What's your favorite movie? The Wizard of Oz
  • What's your proudest moment? I taught kindergarten for two years at Unity Christian School in Energy, IL, and at the conclusion of each year we put on a graduation program. I was so proud of my little students and all the hard work they put in all year. They always did a great job during the program, I was a very proud teacher!
  • What's the best way to make you laugh? I laugh at everything. I was once nicknamed "Giggles" by coworkers
  • What's one book that has impacted you? Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
  • What's one goal you have for the next year? Finding a full time job
  • What's one thing about you that would surprise people? I was on the Bozo Show when I was 8
  • Why do you serve where you do? I love singing praises to the Lord and using my voice to worship him. It is an honor to be a part of the worship team that guides people into communion with him. I will also be helping in children's ministry, which is such a privilege. I love to see Jesus work in the lives of young ones

Kyle kyle-kelly-2

  • What was your first job? Working at BeepersToGo selling cell phones
  • What's your proudest moment? Helping InterVarsity's Chapter at Southern Illinois University start "InJustice Week" to bring awareness to human trafficking to the campus
  • What's your most memorable experience? December 27, 2008, Marrying Kelly Fogwell :)
  • What's your dream vacation if you had no limits? Go to Western Europe, then fly over to Australia, fly to Tokyo, Japan, and then finish off with a Bears game in Chicago
  • What's one thing about you that would surprise people? I'm a computer nerd, but I also lettered in football in high school. Best of both worlds
  • Why do you serve where you do? To help the helpless. That's my motivation when it comes to law

BridgePoint Church