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Disney Institute – How Twitter Made the Difference

I was doing my early morning ritual of checking twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc, etc, etc. how-twitter-made-the-difference

While making my pit stop on twitter to @Disney Institute, I noticed their shout-out looking for people who had attended a Disney Institute workshop and wanted to talk about their experience.

Well I knew I loved to talk about my experience but was there anything a small business owner in Indiana had to say that was worth telling a Fortune 100 company?

I have to tell you, I am so glad I faced that little insecurity.

Before I knew it, I was having a laid-back telephone interview with a delightful woman from the Disney Institute. Just discussing what I learned and how I adapted it to my business. Simple, sweet, and no guarantees that our conversation would be used.

Fast forward to Wednesday Dec 2, I was checking my emails as I all to often do, and there it was ” The Google Alert.” There was something about this google alert that just looked different. What could it be? I was one “double-click” away from my 15 minutes of BusinessWeek.com fame .

Lessons learned - sign up for google alerts, face your insecurities and don’t underestimate the power of this thing called “social media”.

Check out some of my favorite sites in alphabetical order to avoid playing favorites !!

Adventures with Ben ~ click here

BusinessWeek.com ~ click here

Disney Institute ~ click here

It’s All About the Customer ~ click here

junglejeff.net ~ click here

Mid Life Celebration ~ click here

Open Mike ~ click here

The Disney Driven Life ~ click here

ValpoLife.com ~ click here

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate it and have a wonder-filled day

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