Home»Health»Education»Alzheimer’s Education Series to be held at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Michigan City

Alzheimer’s Education Series to be held at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Michigan City

AlzheimersAssociationThe Alzheimer's Association of Greater Indiana will host a series of educational programs on Alzheimer’s, featuring information on a variety of topics that are of interest to all community members with a focus towards caregivers. The programs will be held monthly, on the third Wednesday of each month, from February 16 through April 20, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the St. John's United Church of Christ, 101 St. John Road in Michigan City

February 16 – Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Basics – This program provides basic information about memory loss issues, descriptions of the various causes of dementia and the difference between typical aging an problematic memory changes. How Alzheimer’s affects the brain, causes and risk factors and information on obtaining a diagnosis will also be covered.

March 16 – Making Life Decisions – this program expands on information on Alzheimer’s disease and making decisions. Presented by a local Elder Law Attorney, this program will educate attendees about possible care options, legal and financial issues. Topics include various care options, tools to assist in health care decision planning and finances.

April 20 – Becoming an Expert Caregiver - this workshop will empower caregivers who are caring for a loved one with memory loss. You will learn simple techniques to handle challenging behaviors, wandering and activities of daily life such as bathing, dressing, toileting, eating and more.

There is no charge to attend these programs; however reservations for each individual program are encouraged. It is not a requirement to attend each session. To reserve space or for additional information call the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline at 800.272.3900.

Today, approximately 5.3 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, including 120,000 Hoosiers. Every 70 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease, making Alzheimer’s disease the 6th leading cause of death. The direct and indirect costs of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia amount to more than $172 billion annually.

The Alzheimer’s Association is the world leader in Alzheimer’s research and support. Having awarded more than $265 million to nearly 1,800 research projects, the Alzheimer's Association is the largest private funder of Alzheimer research. The Association’s vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease. For more information, please visit www.alz.org/indiana.