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Learn New and Valuable Skills at Project Club

Natural-Beauty-RecipeApril class teaches natural beauty recipes

Porter County Parks and Recreation has teamed up with Purdue Extension-Porter County to offer informative and fun adult classes that focus on a different skill each month.

The April project will offer natural beauty recipes. Nothing is better than a little pampering, and it is fun and rewarding to mix up your own all-natural beauty products.

Our instructors will teach you how to do just that. Classes are $15 and take place on Wednesday, April 27, from 6 to 9 p.m. or Friday, April 29, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Sunset Hill Farm Education Center, 775 Meridian Road (corner of U.S. 6 and Meridian Road).

Cost for the class is $15. For more information, or to register, contact Beth Shubair at the Porter County Purdue Extension Office at 219-465-3555. When registering, please specify any accommodations required for participants with special needs.

For more details, and information on required materials, check out our flyer.