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School Social Workers: The Vital Link

valpo-community-schoolsWritten by Angela Gutierrez, Beth Aguayo, Carrie DeLaney, Becky Kirkpatrick, and Jackie Gasparovic, social workers

Valparaiso Community School social workers are part of the complete educational team.

The elementary schools employ three full time and two part-time social workers who service all eight of the elementary schools. One of the five staff also coordinates the social-work services among the five schools to ensure constant communication and continuity.

Although each social worker provides similar services, the needs of a particular building are considered when determining types of groups or programs offered. One example is if a grade level has a number of students who have suffered a loss, such as a divorce or the death of a loved one, the social worker may work with a group of students rather than see students individually.

A whole school program may be planned to address the needs of the larger population. VCS social workers adhere to the Code of Ethics and confidentiality as established by the National Association of Social Workers.

A variety of assessments are used to help identify the needs of a student, including screening tools for anxiety, depression, and ADD/ADHD. Through the use of these assessments, short-term counseling, consultation, observation, and collaboration, the social worker provides unique services for students, parents, staff, and the community.

Services focus on early intervention, prevention, and education of children in dealing with today's social concerns; such as, cyber-bullying, bullying prevention and Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. VCS social workers play an integral part in coordinating various programs for our families in need throughout the year. These programs include; gifts during the holidays, food baskets, school supplies, clothing and shoe assistance, and medical needs.

VCS is fortunate to have a generous community; these collaborative relationships allow us to offer a multitude of resources to help families in times of need.

As we close out this school year, we want to thank our community partners and wish our families a safe and healthy summer.