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Valpo Dream Factory

Valpo-Dream-Factory-1joy (joi)

a. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
b. The expression or manifestation of such feeling.

The following is an email we received from Ginger Glitterdrop a.k.a Madison Cowger…

My dream to be a Flanagin Fairy came true this year at the Popcorn Fest. I had seen them in the parades before and I always clapped and waved at them. I can’t believe that they picked me to join them! I loved dressing up and having my make up done by Crystal Snowflake and Ella Seaswirl. The very best part was when Fairy Godmother gave me my very own enchanted wand! Walking in the parade was a blast, I loved seeing all of the people! It was so fun getting to walk with my friend Scarlet Sunflower! It was a day I will never forget. Thank you to the Flanagin Fairies for making my dream come true!


Ginger Glitterdrop

Valpo-Dream-Factory-2We are looking for ways to make more dreams come true, if you have any ideas leave a comment.