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Prose of the Week: “Requiem” by W.F. Lantry

Valparaiso-Fiction-ReviewUsually on Tuesday readers find here a Poem of the Week from the archives of Valparaiso Poetry Review. However, as a celebration of the new literary journal, Valparaiso Fiction Review, which was launched this week, today’s highlighted piece is W.F. Lantry’s “Requiem,” a short story that exists as a brief work of poetic prose from the contents of VFR’s inaugural Winter 2011 issue, where the story is also available as a pdf download file.

W.F. Lantry, a native of San Diego, is the recipient of the Paris/Atlantic Young Writers Award, and in 2010 won the Lindberg Foundation International Poetry for Peace Prize, the Crucible Editors’ Poetry Prize and the CutBank Patricia Goedicke Prize. His work has appeared in Gulf Coast, Anemone Sidecar, Literal Latté, Istanbul Literary Review, Blip, and Aesthetica. He currently works in Washington, DC and is a contributing editor of Umbrella: A Journal of Poetry and Kindred Prose.

I invite everyone to examine this introduction of Valparaiso Fiction Review to read the fine stories in its initial issue.