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10 Ways to Prevent Cyberbullying and 5 Steps

Please join The Ophelia Project for our next LIVE webinars: Ophelia-Project

ENCORE of "Ten Ways for Parents to Prevent Cyberbullying" November 22, 2010 6pm-6:45pm ET
This webinar provides parents with ten strategies to help reduce or eliminate cyberbullying behaviors with your child or teen.
Audience: Parents
Price: Free

"The Five Critical Steps for Addressing Peer Aggression" December 8, 2010 6pm - 7pm ET
This webinar provides adults with a step by step outline for how to address peer aggression in youth.
Audience: Teachers/School Administrators/Counselors/Other school personnel including support staff, teaching assistants, paraprofessionals, or behavioral support staff

Price: $35.00

Click here for more information and to register.